Monday January 20th 2025

‘Bags’ Archives

Belkin Slim Laptop Backpack – A great fit

Belkin Slim Laptop Backpack – A great fit

Before finding this bag I had been on the lookout for a good laptop backpack for quite some time. I particularly needed something that would be comfortable and safe to wear while riding my motorocycle. I had tried a few other laptop backpacks but found them all uncomfortable after a short time on the bike. My work issued laptop has a 15 inch [...]

Crumpler 3 Million Dollar Home Camera Bag

I purchased the Crumpler 3 Million Dollar Home bag for my Nikon D40. When I purchased the bag I was in a rush to get something to protect my brand new camera before I was leaving for a trip. In retrospect the 3 Million Dollar Home was probably not the right choice for me. It just barely fits the Nikon D40 and has no extra room for accessories. [...]